Let’s talk Social Media Advertising

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In today’s saturated market it’s important that you put your best foot forward by marketing your business in the best possible way. This ensures that your business is seen and that your amazing work doesn’t go unnoticed.  

Advertising across multiple channels, both on and offline gives your business the best chance of succeeding when standing next to its competitors. It gives you the chance to build brand awareness and connect with your ideal audience who wants to support you.

By covering all bases, you remove your chances of falling into the back, increase your chances of being visible to those around you, and most importantly – speak to your target consumer.

But did you know that there’s a Marketing Funnel that your customers go through before they reach you?

Let’s unpack three important stages of The Marketing Funnel.

Put simply, your marketing funnel is the path that your customers go through before they reach you – this is commonly referred to as the buyer journey. This system allows you to tract the customer journey - from having no idea who you are, right through to becoming a life-long, loyal customer.

The beauty of the funnel is that it gives you a visual representation of what can often be a tough subject to grasp.

The funnel stages that we are going to discuss are:

-          Awareness for ToFu

-          Consideration for MoFu

-          Decision for BoFu

Top of funnel marketing (ToFu)

So what is Top of Funnel Marketing? Well, The top of the funnel, known as ToFu - represents the first and beginning stage of the buyer's journey.

This is when you take a lead out from the ‘cold’ and is the earliest awareness stage along the buyer journey. In this stage, the customer is aware of who you are, they recognize you and they’re willing to explore what you offer as an option.  

By helping your early stage buyers by selling them a solution - you solve their problems and help them recognise you as a brand that they can rely on and trust. This builds trust and allows you to begin forming a relationship between you and the consumer. In the top-of-funnel stage, with your marketing activities, you should focus on building brand awareness.

So, what sort of content should I create to attract my ideal customer?

It’s important that you aim to create capturing content that is going to grab the attention of those who are sitting at the top of the funnel.

If you can capture their attention within the first 3 seconds – this could lead you to success.

Here are some tips to help you create top of funnel social media content:

  • Inject as much personality into your content as possible

  • Be entertaining and be helpful

  • Don’t be too serious

People like to do business with people that they know, like and trust – show your audience who you are, tell your story! If the customer feels they align with you, they will be loyal to you.

Middle of funnel marketing – MoFu

Middle-of-funnel marketing is a strategy that aligns with the middle “consideration” stage of the buyer’s journey. Put simply, you’re up there as one of the brands they’re aware of, they trust and they’re considering possibly purchasing with you.

In the middle stage, you’re talking to prospects, leads and potential life-long customers. MoFu supports the buyer’s research and evaluation.

Here are some tips to help you engage with your middle-of-funnel audience:

  • Create solution-focused content – answer their questions

  • Show them how you’re solving their problem

  • Postpositive testimonials

  • Product reviews

  • Upload in-depth customer videos

  • Send Emails (a nurture campaign)

To create solutions-focused content you want to make sure that you’re answering all of the questions, about your services or your products – so that the buyer can make an easy decision to make the purchase.

Bottom of funnel marketing – BoFu

This is a critical stage of the funnel where the buyer is about to take ‘Action.’ So, the buyer has visited your Instagram, they’ve visited your website, they’ve taken a look at your products and now they’re weighing up the pros and cons and are considering making a purchase with you.

At this stage of the funnel, you want to ensure your marketing strategies will validate the buyer’s decision to make the purchase.

The aim is to have equipped the potential buyer with all of the tools and the information that they need – e.g., including client reviews and testimonials to prevent feelings of dissatisfaction or buyer’s remorse. 

Late in the funnel, you want to ensure that you are creating decision-enabling content that helps late-stage buyers make their decision, such as:

  • Email (nurture campaign)

  • Provide them with data, product info, pricing sheets

  • FAQS – answer frequently asked questions

  • If you are a service-based business – provide them with a Consultation, a Demo, a Trail or an Assessment

So there you have it, and unpacked explanation of the Marketing Funnel. We hope this has  been helpful and has shed some light around what top-of-funnel, middle-of-funnel and bottom-of-the-funnel marketing is, with tactics to help market your business and to reach those potential customers. Daily Digital can offer a range of assistance in many of these areas so if you need any help just reach out!

Go Get Em!


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