What is A/B Testing in Digital Marketing

A/B testing in digital marketing

At Daily Digital we love A/B testing. In fact, ​​we Incorporate A/B testing into all of our social media ad campaigns, and we think you should too! Let’s dive into the ins and outs of A/B testing to help you stay better connected with your target audiences and to help push more leads and sales through to your business.


What is A/B Testing in Digital Marketing?

Have you ever wondered how you could better connect to your audience on social media? We may have just the solution! Say hello to A/B testing 👋   

A/B testing, or ‘split testing’ is the process of conducting a test using and comparing two versions e.g, comparing Version A to Version B. We run an ‘A/B test’ to see which version performs best and gets the most engagement. We do this because we wanna see what the people like, and what they don’t. 

A/B testing is super useful when marketing your business. Why? Well, it allows you to test what methods of marketing and what content is working best for different audiences. Having this understanding of your audience's needs is crucial if you are wanting to step ahead of your competitors.

Did we mention that you can test all types of content that you upload? Including organic. 

By choosing an element to test such as your post text, you can perform an A/B test. 

For example, you can change and test:

  • Caption length - short vs long

  • Use of emojis

  • Switch up your post style: meme, fact, educational posting styles

  • Change up your tone of voice

  • Hashtag use

Or you could switch up the use of your images and video. For example: 

  • Use text only

  • Test the length of video

  • Reels vs TikTok

  • Stories vs feed posts

  • Carousel vs 1 static image

  • Bright posts vs plain images

What about Facebook ads?

When performing an A/B test on Facebook - they will allow you to change variables such as your ad content, your target audiences or even your ad placement. You can measure the performance of different audiences from social media engagement, website visitors, lookalike audiences and even interest-based audiences. This process of change, trial and error allow you to determine which strategies perform best. 

A/B testing increases lead generation                  

A/B testing can prove to be a huge competitive advantage for your business by allowing you to make data-driven decisions. If you’re wanting to increase lead generation and conversion rates, A/B testing is a great way to do this.

With regular reporting, you can measure trends and find what your audience’s likes and dislikes are, and we think this is a pretty good advantage to have. All this extra insight leads to improved engagement for future posts and gives you direction for future campaigns. 

By measuring previous data you can upload totally engaging, click-worthy content that you know the people love, you can expect to see those leads continue to flood through the gates! 

Use A/B testing to stay on trend

A/B testing also allows you to see what's truly trending in the social space. Maybe audiences are clicking on videos over carousel ads, or maybe Instagram story ads are performing better than on the Facebook newsfeed? Whatever it may be, testing allows you to read your target consumer and reach out to them in the best way possible.

By testing out different variations of content, you get to learn some new ways of connecting with your audience, while expanding your general social media knowledge. Hey, maybe you find that you can create a killer reel!

Through consistent analysis, you will see what’s trending and what’s not, then you can start building a social media marketing plan that gives you some direction for your brand to follow. 

We hope this gives you some insight into the different A/B tests you can perform for your business's social media. If you haven’t tried A/B testing before, give it a go! We’d love to see how it helps you move forward. If you’re struggling with general marketing, or maybe need help with social media advertising? Then it’s time to give the experts a shout.. 😉 We specialise in social media management, AdWords advertising (PPC) and stand out SEO campaigns and would love to help you grow digitally.


 All data and statistics have been sourced from Hootsuite.


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