SEO vs. Google Ads: Choosing for Your Small Business

SEO and Google Ads are two peas in a pod; they work online to bring more traffic to your website. Both of these options can work well for small businesses. In fact, many small businesses choose to invest in both SEO and Google Ads. But, if you were forced to choose between them – here are some ways to decide.


What are Google Ads?

Google Ads are a form of paid advertising designed to bring traffic to your website. Ads can display across Google’s full network of services including: Google shopping, search results, website banners and videos on YouTube. Each time a person clicks on your ad, you’ll be charged a small fee. This is known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC).

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimisation, is a way to bring organic traffic to your website. You do this by tweaking your site so that it can appear on the first page of Google search results. Updates to your content, site speed and mobile-friendly features are common. SEO is a long-term strategy, which means you need to be prepared to wait for success.

Which is better – SEO or Google Ads?

If only there was a one-size-fits-all answer here. Sorry to break the bad news – but it really does depend. Depend on what? Well, here are a few comparisons you can use:

Ads work quickly, SEO is slow

A lot of businesses love ads because they are super quick to setup (and bring traffic). As soon as you build and approve an ad, it can go live. SEO, on the other hand, is a slow and steady approach. Because you haven’t paid for the privilege of visibility – you need to take the time to build trust with Google.

Ads work well short-term, SEO lasts for the long-term

Let’s say you have a flash sale for the next month – do you really have time to build authority with SEO? Doubt it. When you need to get a message out for a short while, ads can be very effective. But, if you want to have the most relevant answer to a search query all-year-round: you’ll be better off focusing on SEO.

SEO clicks are free, Ad clicks are not

While you did invest time and money into gaining a high ranking for SEO – the traffic you earn in that position doesn’t cost a thing. But for ads you have to pay for every click you receive. Sure, it’s a small fee – but if you get enough clicks it can add up. Budget is one of the top concerns we hear form small businesses thinking about investing in ads.

Amazing campaigns start with Daily Digital

At Daily Digital, we do every type of digital marketing. Whether you decide Google Ads, SEO or social media is the right way to go; we’ll be here to make it happen. We love helping clients decipher digital marketing and see the results they’ve been dreaming of. Ready to kick some digital goals? Get in touch to book a consultation.


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