What to Post on Social Media: 10 Content Ideas for 2022

Posting on social media can feel like a drag when you’re fresh out of content ideas. Luckily, we have 10 simple social media content ideas that can be used for almost any business.

1.     Ask your audience

To entice a curious audience, you might choose to go live with a scheduled Q&A, try posting questions in your stories or use your FAQs as inspiration for a series of post ideas.

 2.     Repurpose content

 Repurposing parts of your website, your latest blog post or a sneak peek of the monthly newsletter can be a great way to build social content quickly. Remember to include a link back to the full content wherever it may be.

 3.     Look for seasonal opportunities

 There’s a day for doughnuts, a month for mental health awareness, plus all those public holidays in between. Each of those could be an opportunity for you to post. Relevance is key here. Your posts can add personality, but they shouldn’t feel totally left-of-field.

 4.     Film behind the scenes videos

 This one is easier than it seems. Set up a camera and film a typical day in the life or part of your business. Instead of posting the raw footage, cut and edit it into a series of post ideas for later.

 Psst…video content was one of our social media trends for 2022. Read them all in the blog!

 5.     Celebrate milestones and wins

 Everyone loves a good news story. So, when you’ve had a major win, or done something worth celebrating, why not share it with your network? It could be anything from your business’ birthday each year to your most recent act of kindness in the community.

 6.     Share your latest watch/read/listen

 Only 30% of your social posts should feature direct selling. The rest are about engaging and connecting with your audience. What better way than to give them a recommendation for their next book, binge or playlist?

 7.     Embrace the humble brag

 Testimonials and reviews are the best proof that your business is worth investing in. Whenever you receive kind words from a customer or client, be sure to ask if they’re open to you sharing with your followers.

 8.     People front and centre

 As much as social media connects, it can also alienate. Interacting with a business completely online means it’s easy to forget there are people behind the screen. To bring a face (or many) to your business, try sharing information about your key staff.

 9.     Try a tutorial

 Think about the problems your customers face and build a simple tutorial to fix it. For example, if you did social media posting – like us – you might make a tutorial on finding the best hashtags. You want to share just enough info to be useful, without giving away everything for free.

 10. Tease, tease, tease

 New product coming up? Exciting project about ready to launch? Social media is a great place to begin building hype, even before your next release is ready. We recommend dropping hints 1-3 months in advance. Anything more and the hype could fizzle out.

 Still stuck for social media ideas? We got you.

 Whether you can’t find the time or the inspiration to post regularly, Daily Digital has your back. Our social media management includes regular posting and detailed reporting. Reach out for more details.


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